
What is FAD diet??
A fad diet/ popular diet or a diet cult, is a diet that makes promises of weight loss or other

Effects of Iron Deficiency
It’s dreadful to see a lot of hair on your comb everytime you brush. You know iron is important ,

Remember the days when Apple andBlackberry were just FRUITS ??
Fruits contain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. They also contain fibre.There are many varieties of fruit available.Eat two serves

What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is actually a hormone rather than a vitamin. It controls calcium levels in the blood and needed for

Which one do we prefer??Coke-Classic, Diet or Coke Zero.
Neither. We advocate water as the ideal drink. Add lemon or lime to make it taste nicer.We don’t recommend you

What are Antioxidants and why are necessary ??
The process of oxidation in the human body produces unstable chemicals called free radicals, which damage cell membranes and other