What clicked in your mind reading fatigue, lack of energy and hairloss? lron deficiency?
Well, you can be right but don’t self-diagnose iron deficiency!!
Since iron supplements are available without prescription, it can be tempting to self-diagnose, but this is not recommended because:
- Having too much iron in the body can be toxic and even fatal.
- Taking an iron supplement when you don’t need it can also interfere with your body’s absorption of other minerals, including zinc and copper.
- Fatigue, paleness, dizziness and breathlessness are symptoms of many other health conditions, not just iron deficiency anaemia. Some of these other conditions are serious.
- Incorrectly self-diagnosing and self-medicating can be dangerous and can waste valuable time in getting the treatment you need.
- Getting the right treatment in the early stages of a disease offers a greater chance of recovery. So always visit your GP if you think you could be iron deficient.

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