Remember the days when Apple andBlackberry were just FRUITS ??

Fruits contain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. They also contain fibre.

There are many varieties of fruit available.

Eat two serves of different fruits every day for good health.

A Serving Size

A serve of fruit is about:

1 medium fruit like Apple, Pear, Orange or Banana .
2 small Apricots, Kiwi fruit or Plums.
1 cup diced or canned fruit (no added sugar).

Or only occasionally

125ml (1/2 cup) fruit juice (no added Sugar)
30g dried fruit (for example, 4 dried apricot halves, 1 1/2 tablespoons of sultanas)
Most People do not eat enough fruits.
When buying fruit, aim for variety to get the most nutrients and appeal.

Tooba Shah

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